The Trailer

This is our new baby!

In addition to the side door, it has the full ramp door, which closes really easily.

The ramp is easy to walk up on.

This is the work Steve's been doing. He's spent the last couple of weekends building this very sturdy metal framing. We did a test fit of some of the modules. The taller, bottom section on the right houses the four curved modules. On the left, we can fit 8 modules. The section above the curved modules on the right can hold four yard modules. So, there is total space for 20 modules in these four sections in this photo. The pointy section of the wye, shown in this photo, will be attached to where it is positioned in the photo. Steve will figure out how to do that.

A photo of the interior roof.

Single axle with brakes.

Interior view from the side door. We have an interior light for when loading at night or early mornings.

Photo of the interior facing out the back.

The nose of the trailer will have a shelf. Steve will build that to where it clears the legs. There will be removable bracing going across the front of the area where the legs are in the photo, as well as on the shelf, so that things stay in place while moving. The shelf will house things like the tree boxes. The stanchions will go on the bottom.

This is what the trailer looks like when it is all packed up.