To become a member of our club, you must follow these strict membership rules:

Our merry band of members with our patient spouses mostly meet at local train shows (3 or 4 times per year), and occasionally at a member's home. We have no dues and no officers (with the exception of a Treasurer). Some members have home layouts, some are "in between layouts"; some model in "scale", some model in "hi-rail", or "American Flyer". Additionally, many ex-members who have moved out the area still stay in touch.

Bill G.: maintains a set of "ice house" modules, and is contemplating a home layout.

Bob Werre: Bob was a large S-scale layout, the Great Plains Northern Terminal Railroad, which is essentially 100% finished. It is occasionally open during the Fall Layout Tours in Houston, Texas. Here are some of videos taken of his layout.

Chuck K.: together with his sons has already built a hi-rail layout at home (he also has videos).

Dan T.: moved away, but is still indirectly involved with the club, and he is building an S/Sn3 layout at home.

Don H.: railroad historian, author and presenter. Don is our club's Treasurer, and is building a scale garage layout.

Don W.: has switched from S standard-gauge to On30, but he continues to stay in touch.

Howard R.: has an American Flyer home layout.

Jerry B.: has a nice layout at home for him to enjoy.

John O.: an experienced layout builder and custom painter, John's interests are in both scale and AF modeling.

Peter Vanvliet: is the club's webmaster and is building a to-scale diorama at home.

Ron R.: hopes to have some space in the future to build a layout.

Rusty and Sandi Paulus: have a scale layout under construction in a dedicated building.

Steve K.: has a large collection of American Flyer trains and structures, and is starting a new layout.