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This is our annual one-day show in Stafford. Due to the addition of a new On3 layout, our layout space was smaller than previous years. Bob's idea was to cut out the passenger and freight yards (three 6-foot modules each), and replace them with Bill's "Ice House" modules and Bob's "Grain Elevator" modules. Both of those are composed of two 6-foot modules. On the skinny side we used a random 6-foot module. This made our layout 14' by 18'. In this photo Ria is putting the final touches on the farm corner module, and Ron is busy installing the rail joiners. All photos on this page were taken by Bob during our set-up phase. None of us took photos during the show.
Howard is surprised Bob knows how to operate a digital camera! Peter in the background just staring into space (getting up at 4:30am is just too early).
Layout set-up for a show is serious business. Peter (left) is busy attaching backdrops, and Don is installing the rail pieces that join the modules.
Both Ron (background) and Howard were working hard at installing rail joiners.
Jerry (seen in the background, right) brought just about every structure he owns, it seems. You can see some of his fantastic work in the foreground on this corner module, while he is busy putting some more down on the Ice House modules.
Jerry (left) and Bill completing the work on the Ice House modules.
Jerry (right) is positioning a few more last-minute details and then Peter (left) could put up the remaining backdrop.
Here Rusty (foreground) and Bill are working on attaching the skirting we use under the layout to hide the legs and the many boxes. Turn out at the show was fantastic. We didn't get started with setting up until 7:30, but we were finished at 9:15. That was a good thing, because the show doors were opened well before the 10am opening time. There were lots of vendors there, all the layouts looked great, and it seemed many people were enjoying the show.
Videos Taken by Others:
- starting at the 1:40 mark