Texas City Model Train Festival, October 27, 2018

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(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)

This year's show, the first time it was not held on the same weekend as the motorcycle weekend in Galveston, was well-attended. However, not too many people wondered into the building where our layout and the Houston G Gaugers club were set up.

(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)

A few photos of the trains we ran. The layout performed well this time around.

(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)

From left to right, Chuck, Ryan, Asher, and Rusty, are busy setting up trains before the doors opened.

(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)
(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)

Chuck is trying to figure out where to put his locomotive, while Steve supervises the other side of the layout.

(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)

Now Chuck can't remember where he put his locomotive! (just kiddin')

(photo courtesy of Bob Werre)

You can see the Houston G Gaugers' layout on the floor in the background.