No software product is perfect or complete when it is first released. The large number of different computer hardware configurations and the diverse way people use a particular software application make the task of creating a perfect product from the very beginning impossible.
Fourth Ray Software provides technical support for all of its products via e-mail only. We do not offer telephone-based technical support. As our customer, you simply notify us of a problem you have found with one of our software products, and we will work on it with you from there on. Sometimes communication might be an issue, but generally, we can quickly figure out what the problem is.
Sometimes the issue is simply not quite understanding what the product does or its limitations. Those kinds of issues are actually quite helpful to us, because it shows us where the product needs some improvement. Sometimes the issue is a true mistake in our software. Those kinds of errors we fix right away and we release a new version which contains the fix. Other times customers will tell us what they would like to see added (or removed) or altered in the program to make it better or easier for him or her to do his or her job. We definitely welcome those kinds of feedback as well.
The point is that we are here to help you with our products, should the need ever arise. We have been in business for over twenty years now and we are here to stay!