

FRSCatalog was designed to make it easy to manage a catalog of products, or items in your collection, whether they are physical or virtual.

Why Did We Create FRSCatalog?

FRSCatalog sits in between our FRSProductMgr application (heavily data-focused) and FRSPhotoViewer (heavily photos-focused), to allow for an ideal solution to where both data and photos are important. FRSCatalog displays, in one screen, all of the data and all of the photos for a selected entry. Any type of data can be stored in FRSCatalog, such as your retail store's products, an inventory management system, data from which web content is to be generated, and anything else that you might want to keep such as your hobby collections. FRSCatalog is highly customizable to your needs, such as being able to change the text font and colors, to change the overall color scheme of the application's background, and, most importantly, what data that you want to track. And, with FRSCatalog you can manage any number of "Catalogs" to help you manage your business or personal life. If you are looking to manage multi-media items, such as books, CDs, movies, etc., we recommend that you also look into our FRSLibrary application, as that is purposely geared for that kind of data.

Key Features

  • Supports an unlimited number of Catalogs, each of which can have an unlimited number of entries, and each of those entries can have an unlimited number of photos.
  • Comes with pre-defined data fields, but you can add, modify, or remove data fields to customize it.
  • You can filter your display, if you have a lot of entries.
  • You can spell-check texts entered into the application.
  • If your data includes links to other web sites, FRSCatalog has the built-in ability to validate those links.
  • Can generate web page files for possible integration into your own web site. These application product pages that you are now viewing on our web site, were generated using FRSCatalog!
  • You can, optionally, password-protect access to this application.
  • You can completely customize the look of the application, including fonts (see our screen capture for using a special font and setting the text color to blue).
  • Fully integrated documentation for each feature, menu, and window.

FRSCatalog In Action

(screen capture taken on Windows 10)

FRSCatalog Trial Period

FRSCatalog comes with a one-time, 21-day trial period during which you can use the full functionality of the application for free. There are no artificial limitations imposed within the application during that time period. When the free trial period is over, you must purchase a license for FRSCatalog, to continue to use it. All of the data you entered during the free trial period will still be there after you have paid for your license. There is no separate download required after you have purchased your license. The status bar indicates how many days you have remaining in your free trial period.

FRSCatalog Privacy Policy

It's Your Data!

FRSCatalog data and settings are stored in binary files on your computer. Our products never upload your data to our server nor any third-party server. Our products do not report your interaction with our products to our server nor any third-party server. An Internet connection is not required to use our products. Please note that individuals who have access to your physical computer could potentially have access to your copy of FRSCatalog and the data you store in it. Always protect your computer from outside access by setting a strong password on it.


FRSCatalog does not upload any information to the Fourth Ray Software web site nor to any third-party server. We do reserve the right to communicate your FRSCatalog license number during a product upgrade check in a future version, so that we may verify your paid-for version. However, this is currently not being done.

Automatic Upgrades

When automatic upgrading is enabled (under your control), FRSCatalog connects to the Fourth Ray Software server, if your computer has an Internet connection active, to determine if a new version of FRSCatalog has been released by Fourth Ray Software. It compares the latest version number listed on the server against the version you have installed. If a new version has been released, the new software installation program will be downloaded to your computer, and FRSCatalog will automatically run that upgrade when you close the application (you will see a notification window). See the application's documentation center for how to disable automatic upgrades, if so desired.